A local, global manufacturer of knives and steel to wood industry.
We see no obstacles in simplicity or complexity, and our ambition is to find the best solution for your product. Right quality to the right time is the most important thing that we always want to achieve.
Chipper Knife
We manufacture and sell a big amount of different chipper knives to all machine brands to wood industry. The knives are used in both chipping machines and sawmills, everything from smaller spiral knives to bigger chopping knives, but also more complex knives like root reducer. In our own machine park we are manufacturing all the knives from scratch to get the best quality.
Chip Breaker
Another large part of our production is the chip breaker category. These are usually associated with the knife that we also manufacture. We sell these both individually and together with the knife. There is a large selection of different varieties, but with good construction knowledge and long experience, we help to manufacture according to your specific needs.
Counter Knife
We manufacture various types of counter knife in our business. They are available in many different variants and we can manufacture most of them. With our modern milling and grinding machines, we can maintain strict tolerances and fine surface requirements. With good cooperation with the hardening companies, we are also able to produce narrow and long parts with higher requirements for flatness!